In July, we asked you to tell us what you thought of your website.
We’ve just finished our customer survey, and are very pleased with the results:
We’ve learned a lot.
First, we learned that 74% of you thought that the site was performing well or very well.
That means:
Zone1 sites are converting site visits into profits
Even better, 90% of respondents felt very confident or quite confident when using Zone1 and its content management system.
This is really great news for us, as we’ve worked hard to improve this over the last year.
We’re using new training methods and a carefully designed guide to Zone1
So, how do we improve?
One simple trick is obvious:
We need to be louder about our accomplishments!
We have great support from the Iconography team…the only thing I'd say is brag when you've done it & let us know!
Or, put another way:
It doesn’t matter how great we are if no one knows about us!
Fully half of the comments left were requests for new features that we can already provide.
Over the last six months, we’ve invested our time in sending more regular newsletters; the thing is, we tend to focus on industry news and advice. Following your feedback, we’re going to put more effort into showing off:
We’re going to produce more videos!
They’ll show you the new fun things that we can add to your site and will include easy to follow ‘how to’ guides as a bonus!
We're looking forward to working with you all and can't wait to show you all of the fantastic things we have in the pipeline. Thank you for being a part of Zone1!
68.42% were either happy or very happy with their zone1 website
Very Happy |
36.84% |
Happy |
31.58% |
Okay |
26.32% |
73.68% find their site is performing quite well or very well
Very Well |
42.11% |
Quite Well |
31.58% |
Okay |
21.05% |
89.47% of respondents are very confident or quite confident when using Zone1
Very Confident |
47.37% |
Quite Confident |
42.11% |
Okay |
10.53% |
78.95% felt that their site was quite easy or very easy to use
Very Easy |
42.11% |
Quite Easy |
36.84% |
Okay |
21.05% |
84.21% were happy with the level of support offered
Plenty Support |
47.37% |
Good Support |
36.84% |
Okay |
15.79% |
We're so pleased that we found Iconography, from all of the agencies we approached, this one stood out to us from the beginning.
Lisa Birks, Portmeirion Village
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