'Color' and 'size' are this season's musts!
Once again, they've announced some updates to Merchant Center. These won't be taking effect until a little later in the year, but we wanted to give you a warning in case you missed it! We've got the full details of the announcement below but in summary, if you sell clothes or shoes you're going to need to set up Color and Size attributes. If you don't, Google will kick those products out of their feed from the 1st September 2016.
Recently, Google have been making quite a few changes; while some give added functionality, others demand additional data. As with a lot of Google's work, this is being driven by data. In this case, they're going to be using the mandatory colour and size attributes to enhance search accuracy. Even better, this information is going to be added into AdWords to improve their advertising offering. That means that you'll need to update your products to keep your Merchant Center feed relevant.
Luckily, you won't need any additional functionality. Everything you need is already in Zone1; just make sure you're setting up those sizes and colours!
Enforced 'age group', 'gender', 'color' and 'size' attribute requirements for apparel products in Germany, France, Japan, and the UK
Target countries: Germany, France, Japan, the UK
Disapprovals begin September 1, 2016: Make sure your apparel products targeting these countries meet the requirements before September 1, 2016 to prevent disapprovals.
If you're looking for a guide on how to implement these changes, check out the tips here. They're about half way down the page, and provide you with a list of approved values for each attibute.
The new website launched on schedule and we are delighted by its look and functionality.
Nick Tafe, Bentley Designs
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