Replatformed from a wobbly WooCommerce provider
We've built and launched an eCommerce website for Peter Green's furniture business, drawing on our experience in the industry to make it a success.
In 2020, they'd been sold the dream; a seamlessly integrated eCommerce website built by their EPoS provider. After a series of missteps and mistakes, that provider proved it couldn't deliver, and Peter Green were left in the lurch.
Straightforward project management, built as promised.
Iconography built, planned and executed a fully integrated website in less than five months, exactly as promised.
Peter Green now have a fully functioning enterprise eCommerce website, ready to scale as they grow. Even better, they know that they'll have Iconography backing them up.
Peter Green's EPoS provider promised them an integration when they built the WooCommerce site; IXO Commerce lives up to the hype.
Furniture eCommerce isn't straightforward. Peter Green chose us over another supplier for that reason; our furniture clients succeed.
We are eCommerce Experts; Digital Artisans. We work with RMS, CRM and EPoS, but eCommerce is where we started; we know it well.
A feature rich CMS allows Peter Green complete and intuitive control of the content on their pages; colours, sizes and images.
Enterprise level eCommerce, tailored for each client by our team of dedicated developers. XTRO eCommerce features a comprehensive suite of leading edge features, including personalisation and intelligent merchandising to drive performance and deliver higher levels of user engagement and conversions.
We have found the Iconography team to be extremely knowledgeable, helpful and quick to respond.
Janice McGuinness,
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