An eCommerce platform that caters for Direct to Consumer and Business to Business, all in one place is part of the larger Kingspan group. This Irish multinational trades across Europe, and needed a solution that could handle both the wholesale and retail sales of its complex products.
We found IXO Commerce much easier to use than Magento 2
Ours was not their first website. After being forced to replatform when support for Magento 1 ended, the staff at had an extremely poor experience migrating to Magento 2. That 'frictionless' process was anything but, and they found the new version to be unsuited, slow and operationally disjointed. That's where we came in.
We have provided them a single solution that fits all of their business needs. We've consolidated B2B and retail orders, while also pushing those sales orders directly into Infor LN, fully automating a previously time consuming process.
Thanks to our experience with other brands, at Iconography, we can advise on all aspects of D2C retail, forming a true partnership.
IXO Commerce provides every feature needed for B2B eCommerce, from CRM sales tools to accounting support and price lists.
After a bad experience with Magento and a worse one migrating to Magento 2, Kingspan found replatforming to IXO Commerce a doddle.
We've provided with automation where previous developers had let Kingspan down; this kind of complex integration is our comfort zone.
We understand how to structure eCommerce for trade customers. INTUS Trade provides the specific stock, lead time and product information they need and the pricing, promotion, ordering and delivery options necessary to ensure all our trade sites are a useful resource which supports customers and adds real value.
Combining all our data sources has helped to bring down costs, and provides increased flexibility
Henry, Tripp
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