Julia Jones

Year on year growth with OMNIS Retail


Julia Jones Logo

Julia Jones originally came to Iconography as a purely eCommerce client. Their Retail Management System was provided by an alternative supplier, and they'd hoped for an integrated online shop. Unfortuntately, their experience was a common one. They were expecting a seamless integration, and what they got was one that didn't work.

Stuck in development hell, Julia Jones turned to OMNIS Retail for the answer

With the other supplier letting them down, we got to talking to Julia Jones about what they actually needed. Purchase Orders? No problem. EPOS? Of course! Accounts integration? Simple!

It quickly became clear that what they really wanted was OMNIS Retail.




I have been able to land a lot of new orders because I can do things with this system that were impossible before.

- Rob Jones - MD



Orders are added through a quick to use, intuitive interface. Orders can be accessed anywhere, by anyone; customer queries are quickly resolved. 

eCommerce Experts

We are eCommerce Experts; Digital Artisans. We work with RMS, CRM and EPoS, but eCommerce is where we started; we know it well; with our expertise, Julia Jones have been able to grow. 

Easily Scalable

Julia Jones have been able to double their revenue while shrinking their workforce; OMNIS has enabled their business to become incredibly efficient. 

Business Reporting


With detailed reporting, managers can keep track of quotes and sales in all stores simultaneously, tracking the performance of individual salespeople. 

OMNIS Retail is a pioneering new retail solution that has been driven by D2C brands & niche retailers looking to the future. A single database eliminates any data integration issues between outdated systems, instead providing a cloud-based omnicommerce retail solution fit for the 21st century.

Online and instore retail

OMNIS Retail is a pioneering new retail solution that has been driven by D2C brands & niche retailers looking to the future. A single database eliminates any data integration issues between outdated systems, instead providing a cloud-based omnicommerce retail solution fit for the 21st century.

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